Saturday, September 30, 2006

Pronunciation update

I called the last post "pronounciation" to make you pronounce it wrong, but I'm over that.

I talked to my neighbor in the Courtyard, who'd just gotten back from 18 days hunting elk in the backcountry. He hadn't gotten his elk this year, but had come pretty close and had a good time. Seven inches of snow had fallen and crushed his tent.
I was sporting, I said "that sounds okay, though, you and your horse and your gun out there in the mountains," and he said actually he was a bow hunter, and was very scrupulous about taking a shot that might only injure the animal. He said, "not to say anything bad about anyone," (which always means you're in for some dirt) there was a guy in Grande Ronde who always got his buck, but might have to track it for a couple of days before it died with his arrow in it, "finding it by smell or something sometimes."
We both agreed that wasn't right.

He pronounced Grand Ronde "Grand ROUnd", which makes me think of ground round, which is kind of funny.

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