Most people are surprised the Spruce Goose is in McMinnville, including my dad, who's an aviation enthusiast (he just came from the huge EAA fly-in at Oshkosh). Seems like they could do some better promotion, if people with an interest don't even know where it is.

Let me digress: I think there should be big billboards on I-5. "A beautiful detour to see the Aviator's masterpiece." There is a billboard on 99W in Dundee, showing the Spruce Goose in the clouds, which is just bullshit, since the thing only flew once, for about a minute, just a few feet off the water.
A better billboard: make several, featuring cropped-in views of the plane. How often do you have pictures of things on billboards that are way bigger than the billboard? Put three billboards in series, a couple miles apart. The first one shows two engines and a float, the second one shows the bow and cockpit, third one is looking down the wing so you get an overview of the whole. Mostly the signs would be that distinctive silver-gray, and they'd have the current tagline "it's big."
Sorry. That's the kind of thing I think about. Back to our regularly scheduled programming...

Boy, another digression.

The other cool kid thing is the set-up that lets you send a Navy jet down a wire to land on a carrier deck. It seems to work no matter what you do, but my dad explained you're supposed to catch the middle rubber band. It's cool to play with, but it might be due for a tune-up or clearer explanation of the goal.

The nice thing about the McMinnville event is that a lot of the planes are parked on dirt, so you don't have that hot asphalt cooking you. Airplane events are usually really bright and hot, then they get loud. My favorite part was the pint of Sierra Nevada I had.
I do like to look at old planes, though. My favorites are the Ercoupes and biplanes or floatplanes of any kind. My dad said my mom would've gotten an Ercoupe "if she was single." She liked all the planes with the extra round vertical stabilizers, like the Bellanca and the Constellation (her favorite plane, I think). The Ercoupe is kind of the Nash Metropolitan of airplanes.

About half the pictures I took ended up being AVIs. The mode switch on Angelina's ELF is easily changed when pulling the camera out of one's pocket. The little switch slides over, and "RRr". They start with one frame of a nicely composed airplane, then a sickmaking swing through a 95 degree arc, some asphalt, and then another frame of the same plane. Ick.
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